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Hartford, CT
Psychology/Mental Health Counseling
Clubs involved:
Black Student Union
African Club
Caribbean Student Association
MALES (Men Achieving Leadership, Excellence and Success)
Why did you choose Eastern?
I chose Eastern because of out of all the colleges I toured, the scenery stood out to me the most.
What do you enjoy doing outside of class?
Outside of class I enjoy being outside of my residence hall whenever and as much as I can whether it’s work, class, hanging out with friends, making new friends (my favorite), participating in clubs, or working out! Other than being a social butterfly I also enjoy PC gaming with more friends.
Everyone here wants to make friends. I was very reserved and quiet in high school and my past classmates would be surprised to see the person I became in college because it’s the exact opposite of what they would’ve expected! During my first few weeks on campus, I was excitedly going around and trying to meet and get to know as many people as possible like a puppy! It’s great to have as many friends as possible.