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Rugby team hosts second Special Olympics clinic

Published on August 20, 2024

Rugby team hosts second Special Olympics clinic

The Eastern rugby team and local Special Olympians gather for a group photo.

A Willimantic Special Olympian practices his tackling skills.

Eastern Rugby alumni Anthony Amato (left), Willimantic Special Olympic Coach Sarah Desso (back center) and rugby coach Ray Aramini (right) congratulate Kaleigh Sinclair after receiving her medal.

For the second consecutive year, the men’s rugby team at Eastern Connecticut State University and its alumni held a rugby clinic at the Mansfield Sports Complex for the Willimantic Special Olympics on August 10. 

According to Rugby Coach Ray Aramini, the event is an opportunity to “teach, determine and designate the greater rugby area” with the goal of bringing the whole community together through the appreciation of the sport. 

“Eastern had been volunteering with the Special Olympics program for more than 15 years, but we were finally asked by Special Olympics last summer to do a rugby clinic, which we were happy to do.” 

He continued, “It’s rare in this world you get to have a win-win-win,” said Aramini. “Not only do athletes and their parents have a good time but Eastern Rugby (players), both current and alumni, rally around this event and make it truly joyful.” 

The current and former players of the team ran stations with rugby exercises, including tackling, kicking, catching and passing.  

“We ran some drills, held a small scrimmage and had an award ceremony before enjoying pizza. It went flawlessly just as the event did last year,” said junior business administration major Wes Buzelle, who serves as captain of the rugby team. 

“The event also served as an opportunity for current players and alumni to come together to work toward the common goal of helping the Special Olympians learn a thing or two about the game of rugby,” he said.

Buzelle said that his goal for the day was to give the players and their attending families the feeling of accomplishment that comes with the sport. 

“As captain of the team, it felt incredibly fulfilling being able to do this event once again and hand out medals once it was over,” he said. “All I wanted was for the Olympians to have a memorable day and for the families watching to have the same feeling.” 

“My teammates, alumni, coaches and I all brought enthusiasm to the event, which I know went a long way.”

Written by Elisabeth Craig