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Class of 2024 embarks on 'last first semester'

Published on January 18, 2024

Class of 2024 embarks on 'last first semester'

Senior Class Committee celebrates "last first day"
Senior class committee celebrates "Last First Day" at Eastern.

After starting college in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, Eastern seniors graduating in spring 2024 have just begun their final semester. In honor of this resilient group of students, the Senior Class Committee set up a table of cookies and a photo booth to commemorate their “Last First Day” of college. 

Daniel Gallipoli ’24 was one of many seniors who stopped by the celebration between classes. He recalled his experience coming to Eastern during lockdown and having to attend classes and clubs virtually. 

Seniors celebrate their "last first day"
Seniors look back on their time at Eastern.

“It was really hard to meet people,” Gallipoli said. “The only places where you saw anyone other than your roommates were in the dining hall and in line to get tested. Even when I did meet people here and there, I was worried about getting them sick or catching COVID and potentially passing it on to my roommates.” 

His sentiment was echoed by other students that spoke of the difficulty handling social distancing and weekly testing while navigating the transition into college. The community built among the senior class since their first year is a testament to the hard work put into their time at Eastern. 

“It’s bittersweet to think about graduating,” said Gallipoli. “On one hand, I’m proud of everything I’ve done at school and my degree will be a physical display of the hours spent studying, interning and learning. On the other hand, I’ll miss Eastern. This is my home. I’ve made lifelong friends here, some who’ve already graduated and some who will be graduating next year. It makes it hard to want to leave.” 

With commencement a few months away, the senior class is determined to make the most of the rest of their time at Eastern.  

Written by Marcus Grant

Categories: Student Activities
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