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Pakdil authors book on Six Sigma organizational method

Published on January 13, 2021

Pakdil authors book on Six Sigma organizational method

Pakdil headshot

Fatma Pakdil, professor of management at Eastern Connecticut State University, has published a new book titled “Six Sigma for Students: A Problem-Solving Methodology.”

Pakdil specializes in organization theory, healthcare organizations, total quality management, Six Sigma, service quality and quality control. She said her goal in writing this book was not to make readers and students statisticians, but to teach readers and students how to integrate statistical perspectives into problem-solving processes using the Six Sigma approach.

Book cover “What makes this book different from other books written in this discipline is that it has a student-oriented approach, focusing on understanding the fundamental mechanisms of the Six Sigma philosophy,” said Pakdil. “The students and instructors will benefit from the unique structure of the textbook, which allows readers to learn both the theoretical and practical aspects of the topics presented in each chapter.”

“This book is a must-read primer, not only for students but for all readers interested in the subject,” said Ozlem Ogutveren Gonul, assistant professor of entrepreneurship at Drexel University. “Pakdil presents a variety of real-life examples from which readers can efficiently explore how theoretical knowledge transforms into application.”

Pakdil has published articles in professional peer-reviewed, scholarly journals and co-authored “Performance and Leadership” with Karen Moustafa Leonard, professor of management at the University of Arkansas Little Rock.

Written by Dwight Bachman

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