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Campus Briefs

Published on December 07, 2020

Campus Briefs

Students make professional films for local nonprofitsNonprofit

Students in filmmaking professor Brian Day’s course “Producing for Clients” made professional films for Willimantic-based nonprofit organizations this semester. The course’s 11 students were divided into four production teams, which made 12 films for the Covenant Soup Kitchen, Access Agency, No Freeze Hospitality Center and NAFI Connecticut. The films will be used professionally by the clients on their websites, social media and other communications to aid in fundraising, volunteer recruitment, training and public awareness initiatives. Read More

Balough publishes book on Australian musician Book cover

“Distant Dreams: The Correspondence of Percy Grainger and Burnett Cross, 1946-1960” is the title of a new book co-edited by Teresa Balough, adjunct music professor. Grainger was an Australian/American pianist and composer best known for his lighter folk-music settings. This publication marks the fourth book about Grainger published by Balough, who is working on a 500-page “Introduction to the Life and Work of Percy Grainger.” Read More

Bergstrom-Lynch runs in memory of Alyssiah WileyBergstom-Lynch

For the past seven years, sociology professor Cara Bergstrom-Lynch has run in the Hot Chocolate Challenge for Safe Passage in Northampton, MA. Safe Passage is designed to raise public awareness on the issue of domestic violence. Bergstrom-Lynch participates in memory of Alyssiah Wiley, an Eastern sophomore who was murdered by her ex-boyfriend in 2013. Over the years, Bergstrom-Lynch has raised a total of $13,640. This year Bergstrom-Lynch ranked as the sixth highest fundraiser out of 1,824 participants with 63 sponsors. Read More

Eastern community donates life-sustaining bloodBlood drive

Eastern held two blood drives on Nov. 18 and Nov. 30 at St. Joseph Church in Willimantic, resulting in 46 pints of blood collected. One donor reached the 30-gallon mark and several students donated their first pint.  The Red Cross is following the highest standards of safety and infection control during their current blood drives. In addition, with the Red Cross app, donors are able to track their blood donation, view donation history and health vitals, and schedule and manage appointments. Read More

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