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Campus Briefs

Published on November 02, 2020

Campus Briefs

Eastern participates in statewide virtual collegiate 5k

Virtual 5kOn Oct. 22–25, Eastern Connecticut State University joined other colleges and universities across the state of Connecticut to plan and hold the first-ever virtual marathon titled the “Collegiate Virtual 5K.” The statewide recreational event took several months to plan, and welcomed students, alumni, faculty, staff and family and friends of the higher education community to support healthy activity and engagement. READ MORE

CCE donates 3,000 masks during pandemic

The Center for Community Engagement (CCE) concluded its voluntary mask-making initiative in October with a total of 3,033 handmade masks donated to community organizations across the state. Driven by CCE volunteers, the program began this past spring during the onset of the pandemic in response to shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) for front-line and essential workers. Therese Hart, former math lecturer, was the most prolific seamstress with 1,240 masks. READ MORE

Black Student Union organizes peaceful protest to advocate for justice

Black Student Union The Black Student Union (BSU) at Eastern Connecticut State University held a peaceful on-campus protest on Oct. 15 to campaign for social justice. Beginning at the Fine Arts Amphitheater, the rally consisted of 30-40 students who marched to Webb Lawn, the Sports Center and back to the Fine Arts building. In keeping with Eastern’s COVID-19 protocols, participants wore facemasks and adhered to the University’s social distancing guidelines. READ MORE

Student Activities Office hosts freshman 'Class Day'

Class DayEastern Connecticut State University’s Office of Student Activities, in collaboration with the Freshman Year Experience, hosted a Freshman Class Day social on Oct. 22 on Nevers Field. More than 120 freshmen registered for the event, which helped students socialize in a way that hadn’t been possible this semester due to the COVID-19 pandemic. READ MORE

11 students inducted into political science honor society

The Political Science Department inducted 11 students into the Pi Sigma Alpha honor society on Oct. 28. This year’s inductees include Olivia Anderson, Fiorella Beccaglia, Tiffany Carlson, Brisa Cruz, Matthew Driscoll, Mary Greenwell, Andrea Jimenez, Nour Kalbouneh, Rachel Leiben, Luc Poirier and Alyssa Wessner. The ceremony included welcoming remarks from Sean Twombly, executive director of Pi Sigma Alpha at the national office in Washington, D.C.

English Department guest speaker says writing can be fun

Mark PolanzakWriting is a fundamental life skill and workplace competency in our 21st century society. It’s not surprising, then, that the ability to write at the college level is a requirement for all Eastern Connecticut State University students.  As guest speaker Mark Polanzak described on Oct. 28, writing also can be fun and personally rewarding in the process. READ MORE

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