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Virtual Career Fair Connects Students to Employers

Published on October 20, 2020

Virtual Career Fair Connects Students to Employers

Virtual Career Fair

Eastern’s Center for Internships and Career Development (CICD) continues to help students prepare for a competitive job market made tighter by the COVID-19 pandemic. On Oct. 14, 105 students participated in the center’s second Virtual Career and Internship Fair this fall. Students interviewed with 29 different employers from a range of financial, high-tech, electrical and non -profit businesses, insurance companies and educational organizations.

“Many employers are still looking for incoming talent, and our CICD team continues to coordinate virtual networking opportunities for students to make connections to employers,” said CICD Director Cliff Marrett. “We are grateful for the employers who decided to participate, and even more appreciative of the students who showed initiative and signed up.” 

Students considered the fair a huge success. “I love the way the Center for Internships and Career Development put together all the information and organized the fair for us,” said Faith Kioko, a graduate student majoring in early childhood education. “It was great and the connection with the employers was fantastic.”  Tiffany Carlson ’21, majoring in political science, said, “It (the virtual platform) was very easy to navigate.”

Employers were equally pleased with the turnout and enthusiasm of Eastern students. Ashon Avent ’02, CEO of The Main Group, said, “I had the opportunity to see the resumes of students who pre-registered. That let me know they were serious.”

Benjamin Davies, human resources officer at Journey Found, Inc., said, “I liked that the digital format provided quick access to the candidate pool.”

Brooke DelGiudice, talent acquisition specialist at RCN Capital, concurred: “It was very easy to use, and I appreciated that I could utilize my GoToMeeting platform rather than downloading a new one.”

Ayana Taylor, talent recruiter for the Hartford Public School System, said, “Seeing the students and speaking with them was very easy. The platform was accessible and easy to navigate through the virtual fair. The students were engaged and asked great questions.” 

Nicole Reynolds, development director at Reliance Health, Inc., agreed. “It was a very straightforward and easy process. I appreciated that we were able to use our own virtual platform, rather than trying to learn or sign up for a new service. It made the process very simple.” 


Written by Dwight Bachman

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