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Eastern's Student Activities Office hosts freshmen 'Class Day'

Published on October 28, 2020

Eastern's Student Activities Office hosts freshmen 'Class Day'

Eastern students pose for group photo competition.
Eastern students pose for group photo competition.

Eastern Connecticut State University’s Office of Student Activities, in collaboration with the Freshman Year Experience, hosted a Freshman Class Day social on Oct. 22 on Nevers Field. More than 120 freshmen registered for the event, which helped students socialize in a way that hadn’t been possible this semester due to the COVID-19 pandemic. “We realize that freshmen didn’t have an in-person orientation, and that a lot of classes are virtual,” said Casey Kensey, director of new student and family programs. 

With the Summer Orientation, Advising and Registration program (SOAR) being virtual this year, along with many of the Warrior Welcome events, freshmen have been challenged to make the connections that come with going to college. Peer mentor Maggie Santa Cruce said she helped with the event to allow students to have “at least one opportunity to feel connected.”

The social included three time slots of 45 minutes, with students participating in three separate activities. The sessions included speed connecting, where they had short intervals of time to meet fellow freshmen and ask each other questions; a version of “Heads Up” with Eastern themed phrases; and a socially distanced group photo competition. SOAR later posted the photos and allowed students to vote on whose was the most creative.

“Students have been taking really creative photos, it’s been fun to see them have the opportunity to do that,” said Alyssa Duffy, assistant director of student activities. Students also had their Instagram handles written on nametags so that they could connect on social media, as well as in person.

When asked why they signed up for the event, most students said they wanted to meet new people and make up for experiences that have been impacted by the pandemic. “It’s nice to get outside for once,” said McKenna Miller, while Lilah Snajder said she’s been going to as many in-person events as possible: “I’m going to any event to meet people.”

Students gather for class day at Nevers Field.
Students gather for class day at Nevers Field.

If students are interested in getting involved on campus, or attending events, they can follow the Campus Activity Board (CAB) on Instagram @cabeastern, as well as @easternstudentaffairs and @easternctstateuniv.

Written by Molly Boucher

Categories: Student Activities
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