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Eastern EMT class meets with Willimantic Fire Department

Published on October 30, 2020

Eastern EMT class meets with Willimantic Fire Department

Eastern student receives EMT training
Eastern student receives lesson on EMT techniques. 

Eastern Connecticut State University’s emergency medical technician (EMT) class worked with the Willimantic Fire Department on Oct. 17 to provide students with a hands-on learning opportunity. Run by lead instructor Sean Brierley and program coordinator Bryan Platt, the demonstration was hosted in the Fine Arts Building parking lot. Brierley is a 1993 Eastern graduate.

This is the first EMT class at Eastern, and the faculty is working to provide students as much practical experience as possible. “The EMT class is structured to introduce EMT candidates to what they might encounter,” said Brierley, “(and) how to approach emergencies in a safe way to get the sick and injured to the hospital in the same or better shape than they were found.”

With the help of the Willimantic Fire Department, the EMT class ran a car extrication drill to introduce students to techniques used when handling a car crash.

Car crashes are common yet dangerous emergencies, often involving unstable power lines, fluid leaks such as gasoline and sharp edges. During the training session, student safety was the number one priority. The drill took place in two parts, first with students practicing what Brierley described as “bread and butter” techniques for EMTs in this type of emergency. For instance, the students practiced removing a mock patient from the car using tools such as a Kendrick Extrication Device, cervical collar and backboard.

Secondly, the Willimantic Fire Department used extrication tools to cut open the car. Since this is a job commonly done by the fire department in the field, it was important for the EMT trainees to learn how to work with the fire fighters. The firefighters continued the process they normally would use in an emergency, including peeling back the roof and disabling the car’s electrical system. They also demonstrated rescue tools, including cutting, spreading and ram tools.

Eastern students with Willimantic Fire Department
Eastern's inaugural EMT course receives training from Willimantic Fire Department. 

“The explanations, demonstration and training provided by the firefighters was well done and a crucial part of an EMT’s training,” said Brierley. The fire department also reinforced the importance of safety and explained real-life scenarios for getting a person out of a vehicle.

“This drill brought professional, practiced, and dedicated experience to support class lecture and goals and will be invaluable for EMTs working 911 calls in the field," concluded Brierley.

Written by Molly Boucher

Categories: Health Sciences
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