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Eastern participates in statewide virtual collegiate 5k

Published on October 29, 2020

Eastern participates in statewide virtual collegiate 5k

On Oct. 22–25, Eastern Connecticut State University joined other colleges and universities across the state of Connecticut to plan and hold the first-ever virtual marathon titled the “Collegiate Virtual 5K.” The statewide recreational event took several months to plan, and welcomed students, alumni, faculty, staff and family and friends of the higher education community to support healthy activity and engagement.

Approximately 20 schools were invited to participate, including the four state universities, Trinity College, the University of New Haven and Post University. The Virtual 5K was promoted at Eastern by the Campus Activity Board and representatives of the Sports Center and recreation programs.

To begin their 5K journey, participants had to register and print their custom race bib; walk, run or jog for 3.1 miles; take a picture of themselves and upload it to Instagram; submit their proof of results; and wait for their results and participation shirts and prizes. Runners were also encouraged to post pictures and updates on social media by using #CTrunstogether.

The race resulted in 726 runners from 17 different universities, with 26 runners affiliated with Eastern. To view the official Virtual 5K website designed by UConn, visit

To see all the photos gathered from the marathon visit the various social media sites:, and


Written by Bobbi Brown

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