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Eastern student, alumna receive national Delta Mu Delta awards

Published on September 22, 2020

Eastern student, alumna receive national Delta Mu Delta awards

Eastern Connecticut State University senior Hannah Beazoglou and recent graduate Melat Assefa ’20 recently received awards from Delta Mu Delta (DMD), the national business honors society. Beazoglou, a business administration major from West Hartford, was awarded the DMD Board Award, whereas Assefa, a finance major from Ethiopia, recieved the DMD Past Presidents Award.

Eastern senior Hannah Beazoglou
Eastern senior Hannah Beazoglou 

To receive the DMD Board Award student applications must include two recommendation letters from faculty members, an essay and their academic transcript. The award recognizes outstanding business students who show strong ethical behavior, leadership qualities and scholastic achievement. This is the second consecutive year Beazoglou has been recognized by DMD.

Beazoglou says her connections with Eastern faculty and Delta Mu Delta have helped her a great deal. “Dr. Pakdil and Dr. Cavarkapa have guided me during my time at Eastern by challenging me, providing letters of recommendation, and encouraging me in my academics and extracurricular opportunities.” She has also interned with Aetna in the past and has served as president of Delta Mu Delta at Eastern and as secretary of the Women in Business club on campus.

She has also accepted a position with Aetna’s General Management Leadership Development Program (GMLDP). This program allows for associates to explore three key business areas for three 18-month rotations. The goal of the program is to develop strong traits for a general manager, such as leadership skills, delivering financial and business results, and building successful teams.

Melat Assefa '20
Melat Assefa '20

Assefa received the Past Presidents Award and is now attending the University of Denver to continue her studies in quantitative finance.

The DMD Past Presidents Award is awarded to one recipient each year. Along with being a member of Delta Mu Delta, Assefa was a member of the University Honor's Program, a Dean’s List qualifier due to her high GPA, and a peer tutor for students in finance, economics and business information systems.

Delta Mu Delta reaches more than 175 countries with more than 160,000 members. In order to be inducted into the society, students must hold a 3.25 GPA in their field and be in the top 15-20 percent of their junior or senior class. Once inducted, students receive lifelong membership, where they are encouraged to withhold their society’s commitment to academic excellence and maintaining high standards.

Written by Molly Boucher

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