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Career Center Holds Career-Readiness Conference

Published on January 28, 2020

Career Center Holds Career-Readiness Conference

Eastern Connecticut State University’s Center for Internships and Career Development (CICD) held a career-readiness conference on Jan. 16, themed “Unlock Your Career Potential.” The conference served as an opportunity for students to network with employers and alumni while gaining career preparedness skills.

The day began with opening remarks from Dean of Students Michelle Delaney and proceeded to a presentation by LinkedIn sales director Anthony LaPia on why a digital footprint is important and how to use social media to expand your connections.

Many Eastern students considering graduate school as their next step. Providing guidance and discussing the technicalities of graduate school were speakers Elizabeth Scott, interim dean of Professional Studies; Julia DeLapp, director of the Center for Early Childhood Education; and Kathy Wrana, associate director of Financial Aid. They presented on the requirements for graduate school as well as careers that would profit from an advanced degree.

Other speakers presented, including notable alumni who specialize in human resource management, health training, financial aid and more.

The CICD supports students on their career journey with programs, networking events and direct communication. The staff encourages students to participate in the center’s services and develop career skills that are in high demand by employers.

Written by Bobbi Brown

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