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Faculty Present Research on Teenage Mothers in Kenya, and Music Recitals

Published on October 10, 2019

Faculty Present Research on Teenage Mothers in Kenya, and Music Recitals

Steve Muchiri.

On Oct. 2, Steve Muchiri, assistant professor of economics, continued the Faculty Scholars Forum at Eastern Connecticut State University with a discussion on motherhood in developing countries. Muchiri’s research examines the impact of free education on teenage motherhood in Kenya, where up to 20 percent of women 20-24 years of age become mothers before their 18th birthdays.

In developing countries, Muchiri found that many adolescent pregnancies are caused by child marriages, sexual violence and coercion, and that contributing factors are lack of access to education, reproductive health services and poverty. His findings concluded that impoverished, poorly educated and rural girls are more likely to become pregnant than their wealthier, urban, educated counterparts.

All these factors point to the lack of choices and opportunities for poor, rural adolescent girls in Kenya.  Like many countries in sub-Saharan Africa, the Kenyan government has introduced free or subsidized education policies, starting with free primary education and later secondary education.Muchiri’s presentation showed some of the potential that these free and subsidized education policies have on teenage motherhood.

On Sept. 28 in the FAIC Concert Hall, the Music Program’s Faculty Recital Series showcased lecturer Amanda Baker on flute; guest cellist Cara Cheung; and David Ballena, assistant professor of music, on piano, performing trio of works by Bohuslav Martinu, David Lang and George Crumb. The program focused on the unexpected departure points of inspiration—how composers are inspired, and what is the thread that carries through from the spark of an idea to the finished composition. The Faculty Recital Series was created as a means to raise scholarship funds for current and incoming Music Program students. All donations collected will directly support Music Program student scholarships and awards.

On Oct. 5 in the Concert Hall, Jeff Calissi, associate professor of music, and lecturer Matt Bronson performed chamber literature for percussion, sharing the stage with guest percussionist Michael Jones.


Written by Dwight Bachman

Categories: Economics, Music
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