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Eastern Music Program to Present 9 November Concerts

Published on October 21, 2019

Eastern Music Program to Present 9 November Concerts

Eastern Connecticut State University will host a variety of musical events this November, including faculty recitals, guest performances and ensemble works. All events will be held in the Fine Arts Instructional Center (FAIC). Admission is free and open to the public.

On Nov. 1 at 7:30 p.m. in the FAIC Foyer, students of Eastern’s Opera Workshop and special guests will carry out performances depicting arias, duets and ensembles from various operas in celebration of National Opera Week.

On Nov. 2 at 2:30 p.m. in the Concert Hall, the Music Program will host the Charter Oak Brass Band. Performing in Connecticut since the late ’80s, this band will perform repertoire of the British-style brass band.

On Nov. 3 at 3 p.m. in the Concert Hall, the Music Program will conduct their fall concert with the Willimantic Orchestra, featuring works of Barber of Seville Overture, Chabrier’s Suite Pastorale and Prokofiev’s Lieutenant Kijé Suite.

On Nov. 8 at 7:30 p.m. and Nov. 9 at 2:30 p.m., the Concert Hall will host a faculty recital titled “Hopping Through History: Two Piano Multi-Media Concert.” This recital is a collaboration of faculty members from Eastern’s music, theatre and visual arts departments, and will consist of a two-piece piano performance by pianists David Ballena and Okon Hwang. The time periods in history that will be depicted are Baroque, Classical, Romantic and the contemporary.

On Nov. 11 at 7:30 p.m. in the Instrumental Room (room 108) of the FAIC, the guitar studio will host “Guitar Night.” This night will consist of solos, duos and mixed chamber music of classic repertoire and new arrangements of popular music.

On Nov. 20 at noon in the Concert Hall, the piano studio recital will celebrate the progress and achievements of student piano players throughout the semester.

On Nov. 23 at 2:30 p.m. in the Concert Hall, the Brass Ensemble Concert will take place. This concert will include performances from brass and percussion students featuring original compositions and transcriptions from the Renaissance period to today.

On Nov. 24 at 2:30 p.m. in the Concert Hall, Eastern’s various percussion ensembles will feature performances from the Chamber Percussion Group, World Percussion Ensemble and other larger percussion ensembles.

On Nov. 25 at 7:30 p.m. in the Concert Hall, Eastern’s Concert Chorale and Friends will host “Music for Choir and Brass.” Conducted by David Belles, this event will feature “Gloria” and “Christmas Cantata” by composers John Rutter and Daniel Pinkham.

Written by Bobbi Brown

Categories: Music
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