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Concert Band Presents ‘Origins’

Published on October 24, 2019

Concert Band Presents ‘Origins’

Eastern Connecticut State University’s Concert Band presented its first major musical performance of the fall 2019 semester, “Origins,” on Oct. 23. The Concert Hall performance also featured a world-premiere composition by Eastern student Michael Lauretti Jr. ’20.

Directed by Kelly Watkins, the concert consisted of the works “Toccata Marziale,” “Three Ayres from Gloucester” and “First Suite in E Flat” from composers Ralph Vaughan Williams, Hugh M. Stuart, Gustav Holst and Eric Whitacre. These works were played on brass, percussion and wind instruments.

Lauretti, who majors in social work, created a full-length composition titled “Forest Fling.” “I had a small idea in mind,” said Lauretti, “I needed to think about musical colors, timbres, ranges of instruments and how the piece was going to flow into different sections.” Lauretti, who also plays the piano and trombone, helped bring his music to life during the Concert Band performance.

Although this composition was Lauretti’s debut performance as a composer, he has played in the New England Intercollegiate Honors Band for the past three years, is a student director for Eastern’s jazz band, and is also a member of a Spanish band called “Grupo Tentacion.”

The Eastern Concert Band is a unique blend of more than 80 musicians composed of Eastern Connecticut State University students, faculty, alumni and local musicians. Performance repertoire includes classic band literature as well as challenging works from contemporary composers.

Categories: Music
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