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Eastern Music Program Presents 8 September, October Events

Published on September 20, 2019

Eastern Music Program Presents 8 September, October Events

Eastern Connecticut State University will host a variety of musical events this fall, including faculty recitals, guest performances and an instructional workshop. All events will be held in the Fine Arts Instructional Canter. Admission is free and open to the public.

On Sept. 28 at 7:30 p.m. in the Concert Hall, the Faculty Recital Series will commence with Amanda Baker (flute), Cara Cheung (cello) and David Ballena (piano), who will perform trio works by composers Bohuslav Martinu, David Lang and George Crumb.

On Oct. 2 at 3 p.m. in the Concert Hall, a workshop titled “The Alexander Technique,” will be presented by Lori Schiff. The goal of this workshop is to demonstrate a world-renowned method for improving the quality of life and efficiency in performance by identifying and changing postural habits and tension reactions that pose impediments to healthy, conscious use of the self.

On Oct. 4 at noon in the Choral Rehearsal Room (110), Eastern will host percussionist Michael Jones, who will give a lecture on the music of composer Peter Garland as well as a performance of “The Basket Weave Elegies” for solo vibraphone.

On Oct. 5 at 2:30 p.m. in the Concert Hall, the Faculty Recital Series will present “Confluence Percussion Duo.” Faculty members Jeff Calissi and Matt Bronson will perform chamber literature for percussion alongside guest percussionist Michael Jones.

On Oct.18 at noon in the Choral Rehearsal Room (110), Duo Montagnard will present diverse program of works as part of the Music Program’s Colloquium Hour. Dou Montagnard was created in 2002 and consists of Matthew Slotkin (guitar) and Joseph Murphy (saxophone). The duo has performed in more than 400 concert halls in all 50 states, eight Canadian provinces and 20 countries on six continents. They have also commissioned and premiered more than 50 pieces and have recorded five albums.

On Oct. 23 at 7:30 p.m. in the Concert Hall, the Eastern Concert Band will perform original wind band music by composers Ralph Vaughan Williams, Gustav Holst and Eric Whitacre. This program will also include a world premiere performance by Eastern senior trombonist Michael Lauretti.

On Oct. 26 at 2:30 p.m. in the Concert Hall, the Faculty Recital Series will present Philip Bloomer (tuba) and David Ballena (piano). This program will feature a transcription of Brahm’s E-minor Cello Sonata and original programmatic works written in the 21st century for tuba.

On Oct. 30 at 7:30 p.m. in the Concert Hall, the Faculty Recital Series will present ” Seven Reed Quintet” with Briana Tarby (Oboe and English horn), Kelly Hurrell (soprano clarinet), Greg Case (saxophone and contrabass clarinet), Brooke Allen (bassoon) and Chris Howard (soprano and bass clarinet). This concert will consist of varied dynamic works spanning multiple genres and musical periods.

Written by Bobbi Brown

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