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Support Staff Honored at Administrative Professionals Breakfast

Published on April 25, 2019

Support Staff Honored at Administrative Professionals Breakfast

support-staff-pose-768x512.jpgThirty-four administrative assistants and other support staff were the honored guests at the 19th Annual Administrative Professionals Appreciation Breakfast on April 22.  The event gives administrators and other supervisors the opportunity to say “thank you” for the support and leadership provided by administrative assistants across the Eastern campus.

Ken DeLisa, vice president for institutional advancement and chief human resources officer, opened the formal program by thanking those present for helping to make Eastern “a top workplace in Connecticut,” and pointed to the “healthy and positive campus culture you have helped to create.”

“How you conduct your business—our business—is what makes all of you truly special . . . if you did not do what you do and with great spirit, our effectiveness would surely be limited.”

Eastern President Elsa Núñez also thanked the administrative assistants in the room for their contributions to the University, explaining that the word “assistant” comes from the Latin word “assistere.”

“It means to ‘stand by,’ ‘to take one’s stand.’  Someone who will stand in for us; someone who will take a stand with us.  Someone who is committed to the same things we are. The Latin word for secretary means someone who is entrusted with our secrets — hence confidential.  I cannot think of a finer group to stand by me and share our common purpose than the people in this room. The spirit of generosity that characterizes this campus is nurtured by the people in this room today.”

Written by Edward Osborn

Categories: Administration
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