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A Decade Later: U.S. Financial Crisis and Economic Recession

Published on February 01, 2019

A Decade Later: U.S. Financial Crisis and Economic Recession

Jeffrey Fuhrer
Jeffrey Fuhrer, executive vice president and senior policy advisor at the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston, will be the guest speaker at a panel discussion at Eastern Connecticut State University on Feb. 5. Fuhrer and other panelists will discuss “A Decade Later since the U.S. Financial Crisis and Economic Recession”; the event takes place from 4-6 p.m. in the Paul E. Johnson Room of the J. Eugene Smith Library.

Fuhrer is responsible for the Federal Reserve’s Bank’s regional and community outreach functions. He has been an associate economist of the Federal Open Market Committee, and regularly attends key U.S. policymaking meetings with the bank’s president. He has been active in economic research for more than three decades and has published extensively.

Panelists include Randall Peteros, senior vice president of wealth management with the Royal Bank of Canada and a lecturer in Eastern’s Business Administration Department; Candice Deal, Eastern associate professor of accounting; and Brendan Cunningham, associate professor of economics at Eastern.

Chiaku Chukwuogor, professor of finance and chair of the Eastern’s Department of Business Administration, will serve as panel moderator.

Written by Dwight Bachman

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