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Eastern Music Program to Host 4 February Concerts

Published on February 06, 2018

Eastern Music Program to Host 4 February Concerts

The instrumental and vocal music ensembles at Eastern Connecticut State University will entertain guests with a series of four concerts in the month of February. Performed in the Concert Hall of the Fine Arts Instructional Center (FAIC), Eastern’s Music Program is proud to continually engage with the campus and local communities through concerts and recitals throughout the semester.

On Feb. 5 at 7:30 p.m., Eastern Opera Workshop members will collaborate on a celebration of William Shakespeare’s contributions to music and literature. Eastern Opera Workshop provides students with hands-on experience in stage movement, character development and scene study while exploring opera and operetta repertoire. From fair Verona to Manhattan’s Upper West Side, travel the musical worlds inspired by the plays of Shakespeare.

On Feb. 7 at 3 p.m., guest musicians from Cuarto Puntos, musicians dedicated to global cooperation and peace through the writing, performance and teaching of music. Music was entirely banned in Afghanistan in 2001. For four years these musicians have partnered with Afghanistan’s only music school to bring music back to a country where singing, playing and listening to music was banned only a decade ago. “The Rosegarden of Light” project was formed to help Afghanistan rebuild their centuries-old musical culture and is a peaceful reaction to the suicide bombing committed against the school in 2014, when enemies of personal expression attempted to silence the brave new musical voices of Afghanistan.

On Feb. 23 at noon, Eastern music faculty and students will present an hour-long tribute to Claude Debussy in recognition of the 100th anniversary of his death. Debussy (1862-1918) was a 20th-century French composer and one of the most prominent figures working within the field of impressionist music.

On Feb.24 at 2:30 p.m., student and faculty pianists will present pieces from various movies such as “Big,” “The Pianist,” “La La Land” and “The Painted Veil,” providing an entertaining show for music lovers and movie buffs alike.

“These performances highlight the variety of music study occurring on our campus every day – in our studios, practice rooms and rehearsal halls,” said Department Chair and Professor of Music and Voice Emily Riggs. “From opera to global percussion, whatever your interests, you are certain to find something on our calendar that excites you!”

Admission for all five concerts is free, but donations are gratefully accepted at the door. for more information, visit

Written by Jolene Potter

Categories: Music
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