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Eastern Student Attends Harvard DivEx Program

Published on December 05, 2017

Eastern Student Attends Harvard DivEx Program

Eastern Connecticut State University student Ruth Eragene ’19 participated in the three-day Diversity and Explorations (DivEx) program at Harvard Divinity School (HDS) this November. Eragene hails from New Britain and majors in Finance.

DivEx is an introduction to graduate programs for undergraduate students who have a commitment to diversity and social justice and are considering career fields that have a focus on religion, theology and ethics.

“I got interested in DivEx because I’ve been considering a future in divinity school to learn more about the Bible,” said Eragene, who has also contemplated a future as a preacher. “The program seemed to be a great place to start.”

During her experience, she got a glimpse of two subject matters offered at HDS: Greek and New Testament. While one was lecture style, the other required more student involvement and allowed for questions and commentary among the group.

DivEx also included panels showcasing campus life, options for different majors and financial aid packages. Students also toured the campus and interacted with faculty. They were welcomed to the program with a dinner that called for self-contemplation, encouraging students to determine their goals for the program.

“They had us reflect on how we feel in our own skin, and on places where we feel at home, to help evaluate whether or not Harvard is the place for us,” Eragene stated.

“I got to see what the school was really about, beyond just the name,” she added. In addition to getting a feel for the environment, classes and financial components of HDS, Eragene noted that she left with newfound friendships that only emphasize her value in diversity.

Written by Jordan Corey

Categories: Equity/Diversity
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