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Eastern Announces Fall ‘University Hour’ Schedule

Published on September 12, 2017

Eastern Announces Fall ‘University Hour’ Schedule

This fall 2017 semester, Eastern Connecticut State University is again hosting University Hour, a free and open-to-the-public series of cultural events that occurs every Wednesday from 3 to 4 p.m. in locations across campus. Upcoming events include:

On Sept. 13 in the Fine Arts Instructional Center Concert Hall, Bolivian Ambassador to the United Nations Sacha Llorenti will discuss global security. He will be speaking about the ideological gaps that lie between developing and developed countries, among other foreign policy issues.

On Sept. 20 in the Student Center Theatre, “Hostage of Empire: Constitutional Dimensions of Puerto Rican Birthright Citizenship” will showcase the history of America’s extension of citizenship to Puerto Rico, and resulting debates over constitutional status of Puerto Ricans.

On Sept. 27 in the Student Center Theatre, “The Role of Naturopathic Medicine in the Health Care System” will feature a lecture by Dr. Tonya Pasternak, who will talk about naturopathic medicine and discuss her medical approaches to common conditions.

On Oct. 4 in the Student Center Theatre, “Dear Woke Brown Girl” will feature “Latina Rebels” founder Prisca Dorcas Mojica Rodriguez, who will speak about the concept and process of being “woke,” along with the personal tolls that often come with it.

On Oct. 11 in the Student Center Theatre, Cambodian scholar and poet Heng Sreang will discuss his research on the Cambodian (Khmer) diaspora in New England and California, in addition to doing a poetry reading.

On Oct. 18 in the Fine Arts Instructional Center Concert Hall, Eastern will host the Providence-based music group Ensemble/Parallax. The ensemble will give a performance featuring several of their pieces, with a follow-up discussion on performance techniques, the aesthetics of new music and historical content on the music presented.

On Oct. 25 in the Student Center Theatre, “Alcohol Monologues” will take place, a show mimicking the style of the “Vagina Monologues.” A cast of student volunteers will read candid accounts of their experiences in order for the audience to consider the impacts of alcohol usage.

On Nov. 1 in the Student Center Theatre, Matika Wilbur, an acclaimed photographer from the Tulalip and Swinomish tribes, will give a presentation that encourages citizens of the United States to move past appropriating and neglecting indigenous images and traditions. This will be done through photographic representation and direct narratives of Native American lives.

On Nov. 15 in the Student Center Theatre, “Living Intersex: Walking the Line” – the final event of the semester – will feature Saifa Wall, an intersex man of African descent. Having overcome emotional and political hardships, Wall aims to develop strong relationships between ethical, responsible research and community empowerment.

Written by Jordan Corey

Categories: Academics
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