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January 2016

Photographer Harrison Judd Pays Homage to J. Alden Weir

The Art Gallery at Eastern Connecticut State University proudly presents “In Place, In Time,” the gallery’s opening exhibition in Eastern’s new Fine Arts Instructional...

Posted on January 20, 2016 by Ed Osborn

Eastern’s Women’s and Gender Studies Major Develops Change Agents

In 1920, the U.S. Congress ratified the 19th Amendment, giving women the right to vote.

Posted on January 20, 2016 by dwight bachman and ed osborn

Natural Hazard Mitigation Planning at Eastern

In an effort to proactively identify hazards and vulnerabilities and the steps that can be taken to reduce these risks, the Connecticut State Colleges & Universities System (CSCU) has been in...

Posted on January 18, 2016 by Ed Osborn

Pioneering Genomics Scientist to Speak at Eastern

Pioneering scientist George Weinstock, Ph.D., a renowned expert in the field of genomics at The Jackson Laboratory, will visit Eastern Connecticut State University on Jan. 27 to discuss “The...

Posted on January 05, 2016 by Michael Rouleau

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