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Published on May 03, 2024

Farewell But Not Goodbye

Nunez This is my 35th — and final — Eastern Magazine message, as I will retire in June after 18 years as president.  I find myself reflecting on how far we have come and how much we have accomplished over those 18 years.     

Over the course of my presidency, Eastern has been guided by three successive strategic plans, each developed through the joint efforts of administrators, faculty and staff, and each critically important to Eastern’s evolution. So much has come about as a result! We have new, relevant 21st-century academic programs that remain true to our liberal arts mission. Experiential learning and support services empower our students to become the best version of themselves while modeling collaboration, inquiry and expression. We use social media to aggressively tell the Eastern story.  We even ran an ad that aired on Telemundo during the Super Bowl!   

But these are the things we are called to do, for the next generation of Eastern students — Generation Alpha — will be the most tech-savvy and most informed generation in history. We are preparing for tomorrow’s students by offering in-demand academic programs grounded in the liberal arts. And we are using technology to deliver the Eastern message in the most effective ways.     

When new students arrive in the fall, they will find a University with a new, reimagined Liberal Arts Core curriculum that is relevant, current and rigorous. Outside the classroom, they will be embraced by a student experience that is robust, thought-provoking and engaging; one that offers countless opportunities to develop leadership skills while opening windows to the world. We know these efforts are working, as demonstrated by record-high retention and graduation rates. Our graduates are well-prepared to launch their careers in a constantly changing environment, for they are curious, eager to ask questions and enthusiastic in the pursuit of their dreams. 

While our graduates embark on successful careers, their civic engagement will be key to preserving our American democracy. In a world that needs more civility, I encourage our graduates — and every member of the Eastern family — to be generous and committed to making positive change.  

I am grateful for every member of this extended Eastern community — the students who inspire me, the faculty and staff who are committed to student success and the alumni, parents, friends and community partners who support our students through their professional expertise and generous gifts. Words will never convey my profound sense of gratitude and pride. We have made Eastern better by working together as an intellectual family in service to our students and communities. And I believe Eastern is poised for an outstanding future.    

Day by day, moment by moment, the world shifts dramatically in the face of constant technological, social and economic change. A new president will have their own opportunity to lead Eastern, building on our proud, 135-year history. I leave Eastern secure in knowing that the University is in great shape and primed for new leadership, new ideas and new discoveries. I leave Eastern knowing that you will support the new president, as you have supported me. 

I will see many of you in the days to come, so I shall not say goodbye. As Mahatma Gandhi said, “There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.” 

Elsa M. Núñez 



Written by Elsa M. Núñez