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Ph.D., University of Barcelona

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Emiliano Villanueva - Professor, Business Administration


Emiliano Villanueva

What brought you to Eastern?

“I am an immigrant to the country and the state; I came to the United States thanks to Eastern Connecticut State University. Ten years ago, I accepted a faculty position at Eastern and brought my family to the United States. I am proud to contribute to the excellent Connecticut higher education system and to be a member of this community.”

What is your favorite class to teach?

“I created ‘Global Business: Evolution and Development’ in 2016; it is my favorite course and relates the most to my Ph.D. and professional and personal interests. The course aims to answer many ‘why?’ questions within the area of international business, and not solely the frequent ‘what?’ or ‘how?’ questions. It prepares students to understand present-day international business problems by giving them a historical perspective. I teach the evolution of globalization, the precedents of contemporary international business issues, and the building of the actual global economy.”

Research interests.

“My personal, academic and professional life is linked to the wine business and the wine industry. I am an Argentine-Italian national born in the wine country of Mendoza, Argentina. I come from a family with a long tradition in winemaking in Europe and South America. I have thoroughly researched the newly established New England wine industry and the more traditional Argentinian wine industry. I am now engaged in several research projects related to a firm-level study of the global wine industry.”

What do you enjoy about teaching at Eastern?

“Students see me and see that I have accomplished something; this simple acknowledgment makes my interactions with students very valuable: if I could, they can also make it.”

What is your teaching philosophy?

“I firmly believe in active learning and maintaining a lively and interactive classroom. Students are central to my lesson planning process, so I prefer student-centered teaching that encourages learning and training. A close working relationship with my students is a priority.”

I teach the evolution of globalization, the precedents of contemporary international business issues, and the building of the actual global economy.

Emiliano Villanueva posing with students for a photo

Memorable moments at Eastern?

“In spring 2023, I was awarded the BOR Faculty Research Excellence Award from the Connecticut State Colleges and Universities. I am thrilled and extremely honored by this award; it means recognition for a life devoted to academics and wine business research.

“I offered a Global Field Course in 2016-17 with destinations including Barcelona, Madrid and Toledo. As one of the students put it, "From beginning to end, I was constantly met with one moment of amazement after another.” The trip was enriching for students and exposed them to travel outside the United States for the first time. Building upon this experience, I offered a second field course in 2018-19, with Rome, Vatican City, Florence, Perugia and Naples as destinations.”