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Dr. Oakley is a broadly trained Quaternary geoscientist with research in glacial, coastal and marine depositional environments. The interdisciplinary nature of research gives him the opportunity to collaborate with other geologists, soil scientists, engineers, managers and biologists. He earned a Ph.D. in Geosciences from the University of Rhode Island.
Dr. Oakley’s research at Napatree Point was featured on the TV show ‘Exploration Awesome Planet.’
Grilli, A., Spaulding, M.L., Oakley, B.A., and Damon, C., 2017, Mapping The Coastal Risk For The Next Century Including Sea Level Rise And Changes In The Coastline: Application To Charlestown RI, Natural Hazards, v. 88, i. 1, p. 389-414
Oakley, B.A., Manzi, M., Sumeersarnauth, B., and Boyle, S., The Block Island Bluff Image Project: Using Google EarthTM, Spreadsheet Mapper and Google DriveTM to build a database of spatially located field images of coastal bluffs, v. 33, i. 2., 463-467
Oakley, B.A., and Boothroyd, J.C., 2013, Constrained age of Glacial lake Narragansett and the deglacial chronology of the Laurentide Ice Sheet in southeastern New England, Paleolimnology, v. 50, p. 305-317
Oakley, B.A., Alvarez, J.D. and Boothroyd, J.C., 2012, Benthic Geologic Habitat of shallow estuarine environments: Greenwich Bay and Wickford Harbor, Narragansett Bay, Rhode Island, USA: Journal of Coastal Research, v. 28, i. 4, p. 760-773
Oakley, B.A. and Boothroyd, J.C., 2012, Reconstructed topography of southern New England prior to isostatic rebound, with implications of total isostatic depression and relative sea level: Quaternary Research, v. 78, i. 1, p. 110-118