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Kenneth McNeil


Originally from northern California, Kenneth McNeil is professor of English teaching courses in Scottish, Romantic, and Victorian literature, and on the image of the child and childhood in nineteenth-century Britain and America. He also teaches a course on The Lord of The Rings. His scholarly interest is in Scottish literature of the Romantic era (c. 1790-1830, and he is currently writing a book on the role of Scottish writers in shaping cultural memory in the transatlantic world.

Research Interests
  • Scottish Romanticism
  • History and cultural memory
  • Transatlanticism
Teaching Interests
  • Scottish Literature
  • British Nineteenth Century Literature and Culture
  • The Lord of the Rings

“Diasporas: Thomas Pringle and Mary Prince,” Migration and Modernities: The State of Being Stateless, 1750-1850, JoEllen DeLucia and Juliet Shields, eds. (Edinburgh UP, 2019)

“Ballads and Borders,” The Edinburgh Companion to Walter Scott, Fiona Robertson, ed., (Edinburgh UP, 2012)

"Time, Emigration, and the Circum-Atlantic World: John Galt's Bogle Corbet,” John Galt: Observations and Conjectures on Literature, Society, and History. Regina Hewitt, ed. (Bucknell UP, 2012)

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