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W. Brett Mattingly

Associate Professor and Assistant Department Chair

Dr. Mattingly is a community ecologist whose research focuses on the causes and consequences of non-native species invasions. Before coming to Eastern, he was a postdoctoral scholar at the University of Wisconsin – Madison and worked extensively in the longleaf pine savannas of the southeastern United States. Dr. Mattingly earned a B.A. in Biology from Hanover College, a M.S. in Biology from the University of Cincinnati, and a Ph.D. in Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior from Indiana University – Bloomington.

Research Interests
  • Non-native Species Invasions
  • Plant-Consumer Interactions
  • Biodiversity and Land-use Legacies
Teaching Interests
  • Biological Invasions
  • Plant Ecology
  • Tropical Biology

Mattingly, W. B. and H. L. Reynolds. 2014. Soil fertility alters the nature of plant-resource interactions in invaded grassland communities. Biological Invasions 16:2465-2478.

Mattingly, W. B. and J. L. Orrock. 2013. Historic land use influences contemporary establishment of invasive plant species. Oecologia 172:1147-1157.

Mattingly, W. B., Orrock, J. L., and N. T. Reif. 2012. Dendroecological analysis reveals long-term, positive effects of an introduced understory plant on canopy tree growth. Biological Invasions 14:2639-2646.

Mattingly, W. B. and S. L. Flory. 2011. Plant architecture affects periodical cicada oviposition behavior on native and non-native hosts. Oikos 120:1083-1091.

Mattingly, W. B. and B. C. Jayne. 2004. Resource use in arboreal habitats: structure affects locomotion of four ecomorphs of Anolis lizards. Ecology 85:1111-1124.