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Dr. Canavan is a physical therapist, certified athletic trainer and certified strength and conditioning specialist. He is an accomplished scholar and expert on the lower extremity. Previously, Dr. Canavan taught full time in the Physical Therapy Department at Northeastern University in Boston, MA. He has taught Anatomy and Physiology, Kinesiology and Therapeutic Exercise. Dr. Canavan has presented nationally and internationally including in Shanghai, China, Istanbul, Turkey and Vancouver, B.C., Canada.
Recently, in March 2019, Dr. Canavan provided three presentations at the Medical College of Wisconsin Sports Medicine Symposium. Dr. Canavan was only one of four internationally invited physical therapists to present an on-line webinar for over 1,000 physiotherapists for the 3rd Confisio congress online de fisioterapia in Brazil.
Perkins, S., & Canavan, P. (2023). Isokinetic Assessment of Knee Flexor and Extensor Strength and Lower Extremity Flexibility Assessment of an NCAA Division III Men’s Soccer Team.International Journal of Sports Physical Therapy,18(3), 626-635.
Canavan, P. K., Suderman, B., Sklar, A., & Yang, N. (2021). A Novel Approach for Baseball Pitch Analysis Using a Full-Body Motion Analysis System: A Descriptive Case Study.The Baseball Research Journal,50(1), 109-116.
Orsi A., Canavan P.K., Vaziri, A., Goebel R., Kapasi O.A., Nayeb-Hashemi H. The effects of graft size and insertion site location during anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction on intercondylar notch impingement The Knee Journal 24 (3) 2017
Roser M.C., Canavan P.K., Najifi B., Cooper-Watchman M., Vaishnav K., Armstrong D.G. Novel In-Shoe Exoskeleton for Offloading of Forefoot Pressure for Individuals With Diabetic Foot Pathology J Diabetes Sci Tech 11(5):874-882, 2017
Corkery M., Briscoe H., Ciccone N., Foglia G., Johnson P., Kinsman S., Legere L., Lum B., Canavan P.K. Establishing normal values for lower extremity muscle length in college age students Physical Therapy in Sport, 8: 66-74, 2007
Canavan P.K., Roncarati,M., Lyles K., Kenney R. Off-Season Screening of an NCAA Division 1 Men’s Basketball Team International Journal of Athletic Therapy and Training Volume 17 Issue 5, 1-9, 2012
Canavan P.K., Vescovi J.D. Evaluation of Power Prediction Equations: Peak Vertical Jumping Power in Women Medicine and Science in Sports Exercise 36, 9:. 1589-1593, 2004