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Guiding Young Children's Behavior  

Segment 1: Fostering Trusting Relationships

An early childhood teacher's relationship with a child can affect that child's social development and behavior. A trusting and supportive relationship between teacher and preschool child can also help ease difficult transitions. Families experiencing challenges and stressors such as a new move or a parent's absence especially need and value additional support from teachers. This segment of Guiding Young Children's Behavior explores why trusting, supportive relationships are important to children's development, and how teachers can succeed at creating an atmosphere that promotes building positive relationships. Videos in this segment include:

  • Introduction to Fostering Trusting Relationships (0:37)
  • Objective 1: Why trusting, supportive relationships are important (5:48)
  • Objective 2: Ways to show warmth (3:59)
  • Objective 3: Authentic ways to respond to children (3:22)
  • Objective 4: Benefits of an attachment caregiver (2:50)

Introduction to Fostering Trusting Relationships


Objective 1: Trusting, supportive relationships


Objective 2: Ways to Show Warmth


Objective 3: Authentic Ways to Respond to Children


Objective 4: Benefits of attachment caregiver
