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Published on April 15, 2021

Jeffrey Trawick-Smith Receives AERA Award

Dr. Jeffrey Trawick-Smith

On April 9, 2021, Dr. Jeffrey Trawick-Smith received the Distinguished Contribution to Research Award from the Early Education and Child Development Special Interest Group (EE/CD SIG) of the American Educational Research Association (AERA). The award is given "recognizes an individual who has  contributed nationally and internationally to the field of early education/child development as well as to the EE/CD SIG." The award was presented during AERA's virtual conference.

Dr. Trawick-Smith retired from Eastern and the Center for Early Childhood Education in 2019 after serving as the inaugural Phyllis Waite Endowed Chair of Early Childhood Education and Distinguished Professor. He continues to engage in research through the CECE and mentor undergraduate student researchers while actively contributing to the early childhood field through numerous publication projects.

In the statement announcing his award, researchers from other institutions noted that, “Scholars turn to him for evidence-based practice and his work surrounding play and culture,” and that, “He is humble, welcoming, inspiring, encouraging. His interactions are so genuine.”

Read more about the award on page 4 of the Early Education and Child Development Special Interest Group's newsletter.

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