CECE in the News
News stories about the CECE and/or CECE-affiliated faculty
- "Why so many families are 'drowning in toys'," Vox, 11/18/24
- "Protecting pages: The culture war on literature and fighting for literary freedom," LA Times, 6/13/24
- "‘They want toys to get their children into Harvard’: Have we been getting playthings all wrong?" The Guardian, 11/24/22
- "The benefits of early STEM education," Tech & Learning, 11/4/22
- "How do you make the perfect toy?" The Walrus, September/October 2022
- "Get a very early start on teaching coding skills. Pilot study suggests trying robotic toys," Education Week, 6/24/22
- "Why do babies want baby dolls?" Very Well Family, 3/8/22
- "Diversity in our classrooms," Connecticut East This Week, 2/12/22
- "What kinds of toys should you buy for your toddler?" Psychology Today, 12/14/21
- "Diversifying the teaching force and providing professional development on implicit bias," Connecticut East This Week, 12/4/21
- "Pregnant in a pandemic: Mothers find unique challenges giving birth and raising babies," The Day, 1/30/21
- "ECSU video series proves a lifeline for educators during the pandemic," CT Examiner, 1/11/21
- "Eastern premieres video on lessons learned from 10 years of TIMPANI study," Hartford Courant, 12/11/20
- "Math anxiety is real. Here's how to help your child avoid it," KQED, 9/8/20
- "Do STEM toys actually teach kids science and math?" Live Science, 8/25/20
- "The best STEM toys," Live Science, 8/17/20
- "No, my toddler doesn’t need to learn to code," New York Times, 7/21/20
- "Best toys can be the simplest ones," The Chronicle, 12/21/19
- "Eastern presents toy of the year," The Chronicle, 12/10/19
- "Eastern Study Puts Toys to the Test," WTIV-TV, 12/4/18
- "ECSU researchers name animal figurines top toy for preschoolers," Norwich Bulletin, 12/6/17
- "ECSU chooses plastic animals as 2017 toy of the year," NBC News Connecticut, 12/6/17
- "And the toy of the year is…" Fox News Connecticut, 12/6/17
- "ECSU reveals 2017 TIMPANI toy of the year," News 8 WTNH, 12/6/17
- "TIMPANI toy selection inspires imagination, thinking, learning," Norwich Bulletin, 12/12/16
- "ECSU TIMPANI toy study 2015," Wayne Norman Show (radio interview), 12/13/16
- "Award-winning toy has a Danish twist," Willimantic Chronicle, 12/13/16
- "3 ways schools can incorporate play into innovative instruction," Education Dive, 9/21/15
- "ECSU study shows children get back to basics with play," Norwich Bulletin, 12/7/15
- "Researchers look into most educational toys," WFSB Hartford, 12/7/15 (This story was also rebroadcast in cities across the U.S., including New Orleans, LA; Fort Meyers, FL; Bozeman and Butte MO; Polluck, TX; and Springfield, MA.)
- "ECSU TIMPANI Toy Study 2015", Wayne Norman Show (radio interview), 12/8/15
- "Our View: Don't lose sight of the simple things in life," Norwich Bulletin (Editorial), 12/13/15
- "Selling gender: Exploiting stereotypes for profit," Al Jazeera America," 11/30/14
- "Hot Wheels, easel named top toys in ECSU study," Norwich Bulletin, 12/1/14
- "ECSU study finds some old favorites are still the most popular toys," WTNH, 12/2/14
- "Traditional DUPLO Wins Award as LEGO Expands to New Products, Classrooms and Girls," Connecticut by the Numbers, 1/10/13
- "Tiles, train chosen as TIMPANI best toys for 2013," Norwich Bulletin," 12/4/13
- "Eastern names its best 2012 toy pick," Norwich Bulletin, 11/16/12
- "In Time For Christmas, Science Toys For Girls Aim To Close Gender Gap," International Business Times, 12/15/12
- "BIRTH TO THREE: For creative play, TINKERTOYS trump technology," The Register-Guard, 12/5/11
- "Experts say wooden toys nurture imagination," HTNP, 12/2/10