Mairi Mutch
“I can’t even say the name of the virus. It’s like that song you hear repeatedly while you are at work. It reminds you of your aching feet, the grease dripping down your forehead, the trauma of wondering when the next customer is going to walk in. Things get more and more serious every day and I’m thinking, excuse me? What gives you the right to spread like that sweetie?
Come on. What gives you the right to get so serious? What gives you the right?
Actually, hold up. People are driving around less. Fewer cars equals less carbon dioxide emissions, which is exactly what we needed to cut to fight global warming. Also, now that we’re not out and about traveling as much, using the land we were given, nature is taking over again. A lot of people are also taking this opportunity to renew themselves, mentally and physically. Sure, that means they’re going outside more, but I think that’s just what we needed. Still, people are being trash bags and they’re taking all the stock everywhere for themselves. All of it. Forever. Why? You did this for what? You’re not leaving any for anybody else. Share like you were raised to. If you’re going to behave like a child then I’ll treat you like one. Time out in the corner for five minutes, go think about what you did. Be nice, and we’ll be nice in return. Golden rule.
Now that the adults are talking again; let’s be optimistic. This won’t last forever. It may be ridiculous right now, but this is a good opportunity to take a breath (inside), read that book you’ve been meaning to read for two years, learn how to draw muscles and correct body proportions. You’ll laugh and remember when you fell asleep on your teacher’s livestream for half an hour; don’t worry, I did that too. Now please excuse me while I help my parents disinfect the groceries.”
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