Jake Deschene, "Homunculus & Stationary Traveler"
Stationary Traveler l 24x36 l Digital, Printed Poster
Homunculus l 24x36 l Digital, Printed Poster
Stationary Traveler l 24x36 l Digital, Printed Poster
Homunculus l 24x36 l Digital, Printed Poster
Stationary Traveler l 24x36 l Digital, Printed Poster
Prop Posters l 18x24 l Digital, Printed Poster
Homunculus 1-3 l 5x7 l Digital, Printed Book
De Homunculus 4-5 l 5x7 l Digital, Printed Book
Prop Posters l 18x24 l Digital, Printed Poster
Homunculus 1-3 l 5x7 l Digital, Printed Book
De Homunculus 4-5 l 5x7 l Digital, Printed Book
Prop Posters l 18x24 l Digital, Printed Poster
Collection of posters and props created for a series of collaborative films my peers are working on.
Faculty Mentor: Lora Lee