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Eastern named a 2024-25 ‘College of Distinction’

Colleges of distinction 2024-25Colleges of Distinction advocates for schools whose undergraduate experiences are grounded in a philosophy of well-rounded, individualized engagement. Eastern Connecticut State University has excelled at having students graduate and enter the workforce with solid, well-developed critical thinking skills as well as the ability to adapt in an ever-changing society.

Already honored as a College of Distinction for its high-impact approach to education, Eastern has also received specialized recognition for its business programs due to its blend of liberal arts education, program-specific training, and abundant opportunities for real-world application.

“We complete a thorough review of the programs in question before giving the awards,” said Tyson Schritter, chief operating officer for Colleges of Distinction. “We’re looking for such qualities as accreditation, breadth of program, advising and mentoring, integration of career services, and successful outcomes for students. It’s wonderful to see how Eastern really exemplifies these qualities.”

Colleges of Distinction 2024-25 - Public (10 years) Colleges of Distinction 2023-24 - Education (5 years) Colleges of Distinction 2024-25 - Business (5 years)

Eastern has also received recognition for its initiatives in career development, equity and Inclusion, and military support.

Career Development:

Colleges of Distinction 2024-25 - Career Development (5 years)Schools awarded the Career Development badge have shown that they are well equipped to help their students graduate with confidence. The badge recognizes schools with comprehensive four-year plans, advising and more.

“The Career Development recognition goes beyond a job board and résumé writing,” said Schritter. “Eastern has shown inventiveness in connecting with students throughout their academic careers and beyond. Students and graduates are fully supported by Eastern’s outstanding Office of Career Services.”

Military Support:

Colleges of Distinction 2024-25 - Military Support (5 years)As the number of veterans pursuing higher education increases, so too does the demand for their personal and academic support. Veterans can be some of the most dedicated, hard-working, and capable students on a college campus, but the unique challenges they face can impede their success. That is why Eastern has been selected as a stand-out institution dedicated to helping veterans overcome their obstacles and achieve success.

Schools like Eastern ensure that military students are supported through comprehensive education benefits, a committed military and veterans affairs team, flexible options, trained faculty, and dedicated campus activities and community support.

“Institutions with the Military Support recognition are aware of the unique challenges military students face on college campuses,” said Schritter. “Eastern is proud to support and cultivate the skills that military students bring to the classroom, all while helping them achieve their personal and professional goals.”

Equity and Inclusion:

Colleges of Distinction 2024-25 - Equity and Inclusion (5 years)Eastern has distinguished itself as a community dedicated to equal opportunity for all students, faculty and staff. As an Equity and Inclusion College of Distinction, Eastern understands that inclusion is just as important as diversity, ensuring that all students are given equal opportunity to thrive academically, personally and professionally.

“Eastern has created a welcoming environment for underserved students,” said Schritter. “It’s a tremendous opportunity to highlight the noteworthy support offered for students who might not otherwise study and thrive on a college campus.”

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