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Dr. Fugère is a social psychololgist specializing in the areas of human attraction and romantic relationships. Before coming to Eastern, Professor Fugère was a member of the faculty at Lynchburg College. She earned her M.A. and Ph.D. in Social Psychology from the University of Connecticut.
Dr. Fugère writes for Psychology Today, her blog is called Dating and Mating.
Fugère, M. A., Chabot, C.,* Doucette, K.,* & Cousins, A. J. (2017b). The importance of physical attractiveness to the mate choices of women and their mothers. Evolutionary Psychological Sciences, 3(3), 243–252.
Fugère, M. A., Doucette, K. Chabot, C., & Cousins, A. J. (2017a). Similarities and differences in mate preferences among parents and their adult children. Personality and Individual Differences, 111, 80-85.
Fugère, M. A., Cathey, C., Beetham, R. M.*, & Schaedler, R. * (2016). Preference for the “Diversity Policy” label versus the “Affirmative Action” policy label. Social Justice Research, 29(2), 206-227.
Fugère, M. A., Leszczynski, J. & Cousins, A. J. (2015). The Social Psychology of Attraction and Romantic Relationships. London, UK: Palgrave Macmillan.
Fugère, M. A., Cousins, A. J., & MacLaren, S.* (2015). (Mis)matching in physical attractiveness and women's resistance to mate guarding. Personality and Individual Differences, 87, 190-195.